
Ministry Teams

Jesus Christ brings together His Disciples to form His family in the local church. He equips us to serve and minister in His name. Paul wrote to the Corinthian church, “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:27) 

Our church is organized for ministry through more than 20 ministry teams. Working with the pastoral and ministerial staff, these teams help us carry out our mission to make disciples of Jesus who make disciples of others.  

For a detailed list and description of each ministry team, click here.

Those nominated to serve will be recommended to the church for affirmation by the Nominating Team on November 3, during REACH Night. Please remember that only church members can be nominated. Nominations will be accepted through September 1.

Where would the Lord have you serve in the body of First Baptist Matthews? Click the button below entitled “Ministry Team Nominations” to submit your name or the name of another for the Nominating Team to consider.

Thank you for your openness to the Lord’s leading and your investment into the ministry of First Baptist Matthews.



The time has come to nominate and elect Deacons to serve First Baptist Matthews from 2025-2027.

The biblical qualifications and characteristics of a deacon are given in these scriptures:

1 Timothy 3:1-13 and Acts 6:1-7

Please ask the Lord to open your heart as you read these, revealing who He would have you nominate.

Just as we did in previous years, you no longer need to confirm with a nominee their willingness to serve prior to submitting their name. This will be handled by a team of deacons and ministers.

Please use the form below to submit up to ten names that you recommend as deacons. Nominations will be accepted through September 1. Any questions you have about a deacon’s responsibilities can be answered by an existing deacon or our ministers.

Present Deacons

Term expiring in December of 2024

Jason Barnett, Jim Brunson, Andy Burch, David Elliott, Del Jones, Russell Jones, Clifton Metcalf, Randall Miller, Charlie Pickeral, Craig Witherspoon

Term expiring in December of 2025

Steve Buslovich, Larry Furr, Mel Knight, Brad Richardson, Justin Ridge, Allen Smith

Term expiring in December of 2026

Russell Brickhouse, Henry Creech, Dale Durand, Jonathon Kegan, Brian Propst, Mark Taylor, Tom Welch