First Family Membership
We are delighted that you desire to take the next step in your journey to join the family of faith at First Baptist Matthews!
As you explore joining First Baptist, there are three critical steps for individuals to affirm or complete toward becoming a family member:
A person should have exercised a personal, act of the will decision to trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, believing He died and rose again for their salvation.
A person should have publicly professed Christ through believer’s baptism by immersion. Believer’s baptism is baptism that follows an individual’s faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. We practice baptism by immersion, believing this is the teaching of the Scriptures as the clearest and best picture of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. It is our identification with Him in this work for salvation.
A person should have completed the following Pathway to Membership Steps:
Membership pathway
Completing this Information Packet (The information packet is provided upon registration for our First Family membership class.)
Attending a First Family Membership Class
Follow-up by Pastoral/Ministerial Staff
Signing of Church Covenant
Affirmation vote by Church Council
If yes, click here to register for our next First Family class, Sunday mornings 9:00-10:15 AM, March 23, 30, and April 6.
Please email Linda Mazzucca at with any questions you might have.